Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Gombe and Ucarsu Waterfall

The name Komba in time was changed to Gömbe. The oldest known venue for Turkey’s national sport ‘oil wrestling’ is Gömbe and from time to time it also supplied grain to the Islands of Meis and Rhodos. As much as Gömbe is famous for its juicy apples, pears and walnuts are of a high quality. There are three notably sources of water arising from the eastern slopes of akdag; Uçarsu Falls, Akçasu and Sırado.

 Gömbe is west Antalya’s largest nomadic rural tourism centre and Turkey’s third largest plateau. During the summer the population increases to around 50,000 people. In the winter the population drops down to around 5,000 people.
Gömbe is situated approximately 1,500m above sea level therefore enjoys in abundance stunning mountainous scenery. Gömbe can be reached by driving through the narrow, winding streets of quaint villages as well as encountering the awe-inspiring, breathtaking cedar forests in Turkey. In 2014 the cedar forest have been declared a National Park.

 The vegetation enables many types of fruit can be grown, the landscape is clad with many different shades of green transporting you into another world. The gentle Mediterranean breeze of Kaş quickly transforms itself into cool, refreshing mountain air which evokes ones virtual imagination.
As the coastal regions experience the extreme summer temperatures, in Gömbe it is not possible to sleep without an eiderdown.
Gömbe is regarded as one of the most important tourism centres for rural, nomadic culture. It is noted for the abundance of sweet, fresh water.
Elmalı and the surrounding neighbouring villages agricultural irrigation needs are met by a newly constructed dam. Because of these unique qualities Gombe has throughout history become the regional centre of all the rural, nomadic villages shopping, eating and drinking needs.
Nowadays, a historical local farmers marketplace has been set up in the months of July and August; local people and visitors alike are subjected to the intense interest the local farmers market attracts.
 Due to the cold and snowy winter’s the population of Gombe decreases considerably during the winter season. During summer season, the population increases significantly due to the influx of daily visitors or from the rural nomads who continue to sustain a traditional nomadic existence during the summer season.
Because of wonderful natural beauty and the clean, fresh air the region has become a centre of attraction for walking enthusiasts and the most popular routes are: Pinarbaşı, Cukurbağ, Akarsu and beyond is Yeşil Lake. The name ‘Yeşil’ which means green has been derived from the unique colours of the lake.
The region has become an important trekking location and destination. The area is unrivalled for those who enjoy country walks taking in the clean, fresh mountain air.
 Altough the normadic culture has almost come to the point of extinction in Turkey, in our region the nomadic culture and tradition is very much alive. Different nomadic tribes have erected thier own tribal nomadic tents. Due to the mountainous region the antiquated farming machinerey is still to this very day pulled by donkey and oxon. Nomadic tribal hand woven carpets, local handicraft, locally produced cheeses encased in it’s own skin and butter are some of the locally produced products sold at the Friday market.
Customers can come as far as the state of Izmir to purchase them. Our town is an alternative escape for those who have a passion for nature or want to get away from the searing heat of the Mediterranean coastline. Another unique feature is the stream flowing through the heart of the rural land and by the side of the stream, endemic plants and dried mushrooms grow in the wild. These locally sourced products which cannot be found in most other regions of the country are sold in the local market place. There is huge demand for these products from both the internal and external ma
Located just below the end of the western Taurus Akdag (white Mountain),at 1,200m above sea level, Gömbe is a place where apples are grown.At 1,800m above sea level there is a crater lake called the Green lake This lake is the source of a river  called uçarsu,which leads into a valley before flowing down a waterfall.Because of this,the river got the name uçarsu(flying water).the flow actually changes direction between the summer and wintermonths.the history of the legend of the river attracts local and foreign visitors.
According to legend,an elderly person walked the road one day and became very tired At the foot of the mountain,people of a village wanted water,but couldn t get any.ln the meantime,the old man met a young woman who was carrying some water.He stretched out his hand to ask for some,but she replied that she just had enough for her,and the baby on her back.Suddenly the old man disappeared and from the place that he was standing,water began to gush out of the ground.The water flowed down  Akdag hill faster and  faster and then became a waterfall.Thus,the river got  the name from the locals,Uçarsu.
The elderly person is supposed to have lived in Elmalı and the local people trust in the legend,as told by Abdal Musa.For this reason,the one hour s walk to Uçarsu is famous and visitors can eat in the local restaurants,the fabulous Gömbe kebabrkets.

Ucarsu Waterfall is 250 meters south east of Lake Yesil. Ucarsu Waterfall is behind a small hill when walked about 5 minutes through the pathway at Lake Yesil's bank.
In order to see the waterfall better one must walk down about a hundred meters. Ucarsu Waterfall is worth to see though walking down and climbing up seem difficult. A small lake, Lake Aygir is situated about 1km southwest of Lake Yesil. Waters run beneath the lake turn into a natural fountain and form Ucarsu Waterfall.
Ucarsu Waterfall flows towards Gombe joins Subasi Stream and runs into Lake Avlan. Gombe side of mountain Akdaglar is always cooler and west side that faces towards Fethiye is relatively warmer. Peak districts of mountain Akdaglar are always snowy in winters and it is possible to see the snow white hills even in month of July. Lakes in this district freeze up.

Ucarsu Waterfall does not flow in winters when the frozen water sources stop. But the streams on the west side of the mountain keep on flowing. Summer conditions are just the contrary to winters. Ucarsu Waterfall begins to flow powerfully when the ice melts but the streams on the west side dry. Ucarsu Waterfall keeps on flowing until month of October then the sources stop feeding.
The villagers of this region regard mountain Akdaglar and Ucarsu Waterfall as holy.

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